Monday 22 April 2013

Grey Shades - When selling your home

Grey shades have gained in popularity over the last few years as go-to choices for decorators wanting to add chic, urban sophistication to their rooms. When combined with furniture and trim in light, neutral shades, a dark gray accent can become a bold focal point. In addition, the right decor and gray wall combination can work well with a handful of bright, colorful accents, such as a shiny green lamp or metallic red chair.

But this bold style isn't for everyone, and it can come across as imposing if a buyer isn't expecting it. The key to using gray effectively when selling your home is to pair the right shade with your home's overall feel. If you're selling a trendy urban loft, for example, you may be able to use a dark gray to enhance the effect of sleek, modern furnishings. The same color would look completely out of place in a traditional home with conservative furnishings. In that case, you could use a light gray to bring a feeling of coolness to a bedroom (since many grays border on shades of blue, their calming effects can be similar).

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